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Buy to Let Mortgages

The buy-to-let market remains one of the most effective investments you can make but the key to success is finding a low-cost mortgage that maximises the return on investment. 

Forecasts and trends all suggest that the market will remain buoyant but good returns will only match the confidence if the right mortgage products are in place. Offsetting the monthly cost against the rental income is vital if you want to generate a profit and to do this you need the right mortgage.

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Residential Mortgages

Securing the right mortgage can make the difference between a property that becomes a happy and secure family home and one that ends up as a financial nightmare.

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Children’s Savings

What better way of looking to the future than setting up a saving’s account for your children. It gives them an understanding of money, it keeps that money safe and it allows them to see that money grow.

Our children are undoubtedly our future, it’s never too early to set them on the right financial path and at Sirius we can help.

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Trust Planning

One of the most tax efficient ways of passing assets on to family members is by putting them in to trust. This can be a complicated and convoluted process but when it’s done properly, but professionals such as the team here at Sirius, then it can work incredibly well.

If you’re in that position then it’s worth considering and it’s worth talking to us.

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Life Assurance

Unlike ‘life insurance’, ‘life assurance’ is designed to offer a more complete, whole of life cover that’s designed to look after your loved ones financially when you’re gone.

The team at Sirius are hugely experienced at life assurance work and can design bespoke packages that are perfect for providing for your family when you’re no longer there to.

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IHT planning

The key to successful financial planning is about looking to the future and inheritance tax is at the very heart of that.

Here at Sirius we’re specialists in this sector and can help you make sure that when the day comes, you’re able to pass on as much of your estate as possible … after all you earned it.

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Individual Savings Accounts

ISAs are one of the most tax efficient ways of saving in the UK today. They allow anyone over the age of 16 to invest £20,000 each year without having to pay tax on either the investment itself or the interest that’s earned.

At Sirius we’re hugely experienced in the arrangement of all aspects of ISAs from cash, stocks and shares ISAs to innovative Finance and Lifetime ISAs.

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Pensions & Divorce

The breakdown of a relationship can be a hugely traumatic event in anyone’s life and financial settlements such as asset division and financial support can become problematic.

What’s often overlooked is the role that pensions play in this settlement, especially when they’re often not ‘in play’ at the point of divorce. Pensions are potentially huge financial assets and will need expert guidance if they’re to be handled efficiently and effectively.

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Income Drawdown

People often think of pension pots as static investments. The sort of investment that you pay in to for years and then one day they mature and pay out. However, at Sirius Financial we view pensions in a slightly different, more multi-levelled manner that creates opportunities for clients to grow their pension pots and see a stronger return on their investment.

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For those clients that want the sort of pension that offers flexibility to invest where you want, there are SIPPs. These Self Invested Personal Pensions are known in the industry as ‘wrapper’ pensions and work in the same way as normal pensions but with one simple difference, they give you a much wider choice of investments.

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Personal Pensions

At Sirius we try and take the complication out of personal pensions by making them simple. That way they’re easy for everyone to understand and easier to make them work for you the individual.

A personal pension is a growing pot of money that you and your employer can pay in to, allowing you to prepare for your retirement. When the day comes you can take a lump sum or a regular income, but best of all you get tax relief on it.

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Pension Transfers

There are various reasons why you may want to transfer your pension. You’ve changed your job, the scheme is being wound up, you’re moving overseas or you’re combining more than one pension that you currently have.

However the most common reason for transferring a pension is that you want your pot to work harder in a better performing pension scheme.

At Sirius we can help you find the best possible transfer for you. One that performs in the way you want it to and one that gives you the peace of mind and protection for the future.

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