Most financial planning is all about looking to the future and the earlier you start the better the investment performance. However, the key question is how far into the future do you really want to plan for. Early retirement, the day you turn 65 or even a little later. But what about after that. What about planning for when you’re no longer here.
At Sirius Financial we can help you have those often-difficult conversations where you start planning for a future that you’re not around for. One of the most important ways to do this is with IHT Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning.
Preparing in this way will allow you to pass on as much of your estate as possible without your family being penalised. After-all you’ve earned it, you paid plenty of tax while you’ve been earning it so getting it set up properly now will allow a smoother, tax efficient transfer once you’re no longer around.
This is about looking at the situation now and navigating your estate properly within the rules and regulations as set by HMRC. Leaving it late in the day isn’t the best approach. The earlier you start the better.
The key to this is getting it set up correctly in the first place and that’s what we do better than most at Sirius Financial. So, if you would like to have a conversation about what you can do to mitigate what could be a significant tax liability for your family, then contact us today.
Please note that the FCA do not regulate IHT planning.